do work son

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It was dark and pouring rain in New York City that night, I was walking down 5th ave minding my own business whistling Thriller by Michael Jackson. Yeah I thought I was tuff stuff, a head honcho, I was built like a wall, as strong as a bull and as fierce as a tiger. I heard a shriek I stopped in my tracks frozen like the tundra, time stopped. I began to run, run like the wind not knowing what I was up against or the problem just running for the safety of this poor person in distress. I came around the corner like a Nascar taking just another left turn and saw a man wrestling a beautiful maiden for the possession of her purse.
I yelled, “enough already unhand this poor women” and then with every fiber in my body I gave him a knuckle sandwich. “Learn and live, learn and live,” I cried to the heavens and kissed the beautiful blonde.
She asked, “Who are you.”
“I don’t kiss and tell I’m sorry,” “but I must go now.”
“What if this happens again to me ,” she said softly
“Knock on wood,” I replied and then ran in to the darkness never to be seen again.

1 comment:

  1. James,
    Good job on the cliche assignment - reasonable detail, mechanically solid. Missing the superpower article.
